Having trouble with something on the website? Chances are, someone else has needed assistance with a similar issue. As I am typically available to answer questions only during the weekends, you may be able to find the answer you are looking for below:
I am trying to add a pattern to my cart and the wheel is just spinning. Is your website broken?
No, not exactly. If you are experiencing this during a featured free pattern day, the most likely reason is that there are thousands of people also taking advantage of the free pattern and the site needs a minute to catch its breath. Imagine my site is a retail worker on Black Friday and give it a little patience and grace, then try again in a little bit!
I am trying to download a pattern that I bought after December 2022 but it isn’t working. Can you help?
- Many times the file has already downloaded to your device. Please search your device for the pattern name.
- Try downloading from a different browser. Occasionally, a browser has hiccups with downloads.
- Try clearing your cache and cookies and download again.
- Your confirmation email also contains a link to download the pattern
I just want to download a pattern. Why are you asking for my physical address and my phone number?
The service I use to provide digital downloads and accept payments requires that all fields are filled out. You will need to make sure your correct name and email address are provided in these fields. I am the only person with access to the information, and I have no desire to look at it. Unfortunately, there is no way for me to remove these required fields. Again, the only correct information needs to be your name and email address.
I am trying to get a pattern but having trouble entering my information. What am I doing wrong?
Once you have entered your name and address, sometimes you have to click in the “Notes” box before you can proceed to the next page. On occasion, some visitors enter an address that the system does not recognize. If you are purchasing a digital product, you can use a zip code from anywhere in the United States and it should go through for you. I apologize for this strange hiccup.
What’s a Forever Free pattern?
Forever Free patterns are full-length crochet patterns that are available to view here on the Straight Hooked blog. I am able to provide these patterns at no cost to you by allowing ads to appear on your screen. I generate a very small amount of revenue for each ad (I’m talking fractions of a cent), but the more my guests see, stay and navigate around my site, the more those few cents per visitor add up. Of course I would make a much better wage if folks purchased the PDF, but I would rather share this design with you for very little money than for you not to have the opportunity to try this pattern.
It is saying that my account doesn’t exist. Can you help me retrieve my account?
Straight Hooked was re-launched on a new platform in December 2022 in order to bring you a much better experience when visiting the site and purchasing patterns. However, due to security concerns we were unable to migrate existing accounts and all customer records were deleted. This means that you will need to create a new account.
I’m trying to download a pattern that I bought prior to December 2022 but the link is invalid. Can you help?
As part of the site migration, all customer history was deleted. Multiple reminders were sent out in October and November of 2022, urging everyone to download any patterns before the migration. Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be a way to add previous purchases to your new Straight Hooked account. Due to the number of free pattern downloads that have been offered over the years and the number of crocheters who have participated in the blog hop events, I cannot re-send the free patterns you may have lost. If you purchased a pattern and are unable to access it, I will be happy to send you a copy. Please send me a note along with your receipt to cu*************@st************.com
I sent you an email but you haven’t responded. Why are you ignoring me?
Straight Hooked is a one-woman operation. In addition to designing crochet patterns, publishing them, filming and editing tutorial videos, writing blog posts, composing and sending newsletters, maintaining my website and attempting to keep up with my social media presence, I also work a full-time job Monday-Friday and have a home to maintain, a puppy to care for and a husband who also deserves a bit of my attention. I typically get on my “crochet computer” on the weekends, but I do also need some downtime so I am not on a computer all day every day.
I also receive hundreds of emails each week, and on occasion I miss seeing a couple. I assure you, I am not actively trying to ignore you. My customers who purchase patterns will always receive priority over visitors interested in freebies.
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