Hello friends!
Did you know that my daughter is also a crochet designer? She doesn’t publish patterns often, but I am always thrilled when she does- and in case you hadn’t guessed already, today’s pattern was designed by my amazingly talented daughter!
(ad disclosure: I am a blogger. I allow ads on my site as well as affiliate links. If you click an ad, I may receive some small compensation. If you make a purchase through one of my affiliate links, I may also receive some small compensation at no additional cost to you. Supporting ad revenue helps me to be able to offer more FREE patterns to you. You can find more details in my Privacy Policy if you’d like.)

If you’ve been reading my blog posts and emails recently, you know that my daughter moved out almost 2 years ago, all of our elderly shih tzus passed away and we brought a new shih poo puppy into our hearts and home earlier this year.
But you may not have known that we added even more babies to the family this year when my daughter adopted my 2 grandkitties- Apollo and Osiris.

The boys are littermates and were adopted from a local cat rescue that takes in pregnant mommas and gets them and their kittens through the pregnancy and infancy phases, then finds loving homes for them! They are so adorable, and although my husband and I are terribly allergic to cats and have not physically met our grandkitties, we do enjoy all of their photos.
You too can enjoy their photos if you wish to follow Apollo and Osiris on Instagram!
And if you want to follow their Auntie Ruby Sue, you can follow her on Instagram as well.

The Kitty Catiolis are a fun, quick way to use up scrap yarn. You only need a few yards to make one Catioli and can whip one up in just a few minutes! They look like toy raviolis when complete, hence the name “Kitty Catiolis”. When my daughter sent me a picture of Apollo playing with his Catiolis and told me she was planning to write up the pattern, I was so excited- because I knew Pet Appreciation Month was coming up and this would be the perfect time to share her latest design with you!

Apollo and Osiris absolutely LOVE their Kitty Catiolis and have many of them in a whole variety of colors. I wonder if Ruby Sue might like me to make her a “pupioli” over the weekend….?

You can grab a copy of the Kitty Catilois crochet pattern below:
Want more patterns perfect for your pets? Be sure and check in on the Crochet for Pets Blog hop!

Want to see more patterns designed by my amazing daughter? She is busy with her young adulthood and pattern publications are few and far between, but check these out:
Be sure to sign up for the Straight Awesome newsletter. You’ll be among the first to know about pattern releases, yarn reviews and more- plus you’ll receive freebies along the way!
There are more patterns coming to Straight Hooked soon, so be sure to keep an eye out.
Until next time,
Happy Hooking!
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