Hello Friends!
This month has just been flying by, which is great for me because I have been waiting anxiously for over a month to share my new design with you!
(ad disclosure: I’m a blogger. We have ads. If you click one, I might get some small compensation. Standard issue, but you can read all about it in my boring privacy policy if you really want to.)
The Hillside Hooded Capelet was so much fun to design, and a great way to use up yarn that you have no idea what to do with.

Side story to give this next story some context- our family has a Christmas tradition of buying each other gifts from the Dollar Store. Born out of necessity years ago when funds were tight but we wanted our daughter to have lots of gifts to open, said daughter thought that the experience was so fun that the next year she asked if we were going to do “Dollar Store Christmas” again, and so it became a tradition. Now, every year in addition to giving “good” presents, we all head to the dollar store with a $20 budget and buy each other random crap.
So, last Christmas my daughter bought me a few skeins of Premier Yarn at the dollar store and it has been sitting in the closet mocking me for months. When Regina from Regina P Designs challenged me to design something using “scrap yarn”, I was inspired to put those dollar store presents to use!

The yarn is a great quality, but in order to sell it for just a dollar, the skeins are quite small. I had a couple of each color and decided I would attempt to make a capelet and see how long it might get.
I was quite surprised when I realized that not only was it the perfect length, but I also had enough yarn left to make a hood! The pattern is written with the hood optional, so if you prefer an-unhooded Hillside Capelet, you can make that too!
Another little side story- my daughter is 21 years old and for the most part, thinks my crochet designs are “for middle aged women”. (I think she’s trying to hurt my feelings, but I am a middle aged woman and people like me are my audience, so….)

Anyway, I texted her a picture of this capelet while I was still working up the design and she LOVED it! Even came over and modeled it for me since Patty my mannequin has no head. I might have to make another one in a less pastel color scheme for her for Christmas. (She has informed me that she also does not read my blog, so she’ll never know about this potential surprise)
The Hillside Hooded Capelet is one size fits most, and the pattern is easy to follow. This is a great pattern for a beginning crocheter who wants to start venturing into wearables, or for an advanced crocheter who wants a semi-mindless project to work on while watching something on the tv. It has simple repeats with just enough change to keep you from getting bored!

Grab your copy of the Hillside Hooded Capelet pattern below:

I have been designing patterns like crazy over here at Straight Hooked Headquarters and there are more coming in the following weeks, so please be sure to subscribe to the Straight Awesome Newsletter and bookmark this site so you won’t miss out on the next pattern release!
Until next time,
Happy Hooking!
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